Privacy Policy Page

Acceptance of Terms of Service:

By using GrouponSouq's services, you agree to these Terms of Service (TOS). They form a binding agreement like a contract between you and GrouponSouq. If any term in this TOS is unacceptable to you, refrain from using the services. Don't sign up for the services if you disagree with these terms.


This site is for use only by those legally considered competent. Anyone under 18 is prohibited from registering, doing business, or using this website. GrouponSouq can end the access of any user found to be under 18 or legally impaired under UAE law.


Registration is not mandatory for making purchases on GrouponSouq. However, you are responsible for all activities conducted under your account and password. Ensure your account and password remain confidential and accessible only to authorised individuals.

Personal Information:

When you fill out the site's registration form, you must provide true information about yourself. It must be accurate and full.

Termination of Registration:

Registrations not permitted by law are void. GrouponSouq may end your registration at any time. They can do this for any reason and without prior notice.


You must not copy, sell, or use any part of the service without GrouponSouq's written consent. This includes its use or access.

Reliability of Data:

GrouponSouq commits to accurate product information. But errors may occur. GrouponSouq may correct pricing or product configuration errors. They may also cancel orders if the product has not yet been sent due to such errors. Products will be delivered with all relevant accessories included.

Your Recommendations:

GrouponSouq keeps ownership of any suggestions. These include feedback, comments, improvements, or recommendations about the website. GrouponSouq may use, change, publish, or share these contributions. They may do so for any purpose without needing to acknowledge or pay you.

You promise that your contributions will not break this policy or the rights of others. This includes privacy, copyright, trademarks, or personal rights. They also won't harm people or entities. You also agree not to post threats, abuse, lies, or obscenities. You also agree to not post viruses, to campaign politically, to sell things, or to send spam."

GrouponSouq can approve, reject, or delete any content at its sole discretion. It has no duty to screen or remove reviews. We disclaim all liability for claims, responsibilities, or damages arising from such reviews.


GrouponSouq may, at any time, without prior notice, and at its choice, change, pause, or end the website or any service. It can do so temporarily or permanently. By using our website, making an account, or buying something, you agree to these terms. If these terms change, we will update the modification date. We will also announce the changes on this website.

Contact Us:

For any inquiries, please email us at





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